Free South Greenland Kayak Plans
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The South Greenland kayak, Figure 208 in the Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America, is a more modern design than both the Southwestern Greenland kayaks (Figure 206 and 207) that appear as free plans in earlier posts. Chapelle notes that later kayaks had greater rake of the stems, reduced deadrise and greater flare. The sheerline seems less sweeping than the older types, too. He claims that these more modern designs were faster and quicker turning than the old types. In the drawings, a bow plate is shown fixed to the bow.
This kayak seemed easy to model. The chines and low deadrise faired directly into the stems. On other kayaks, it takes extra time to model the transition between a hard chine pressing through the skin and an area of free-floating skin. I rounded the deck instead of modeling in deck beams, because it’d be easier to build with cedar strips. Like the rest of the models in my Free Winter Canoe and Kayak Project, I drew lines for building with 3/16-inch strips. Unlike the rest of the models, I drew the stems offset from the stations. Because the stems are so long, it forced me into a larger paper size, so instead of leaving lots of empty space, I used the space to unclutter the stations.
On a side note, Björn Thomasson used this kayak as the basis for his wildly popular Black Pearl. Deciding between the two would be a tough choice. Build a kayak known as excellent or risk building the original and take part in some experimental archeology.
Length: 19 feet 6 inches
Width: 20-1/4 inches
Free Kayak Plan Downloads and Package Downloads
The free linesplans are station and stem drawings overlaid on each other. They are drawn at full size. The drawing package includes linesplans and each station and stem drawn separately on a PDF that prints full sized on when printed on the right paper size, usually ARCH D. You can cut these out and glue them to plywood to cut full-sized forms.
Recommended Books to Buy Before Building
Building Strip-Planked Boats The newest book by kayak and canoe building authority, Nick Schade. A must have.
The Strip-Built Sea Kayak: Three Rugged, Beautiful Boats You Can Build The gold standard of kayak building books. Clearly explains all the sets of boat building from tools to epoxy work. There are so many tricks and tips in this book that you’ll be able to save time.
Kayakcraft: Fine Woodstrip Kayak Construction Presents a slightly different way to build cedar strip kayaks. Lots of great ideas.
The New Kayak Shop: More Elegant Wooden Kayaks Anyone Can Build If stitch and glue is your thing, then this is the book to get.
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I’m loving the lines on this one. Might use it to base my first build on these. Am i reading the drawings right with the green lines being “framework” and the black lines as outside hull?
Bryan Hansel
Black line is outside of the hull and the green line is inside of hull if the hull is 3/16″ thick.
It took a few months, but yesterday I hade the first trial-sailing with my design based on these drawings! And boy is she fun to paddle around in!
I’ve converted the drawings from strip build to skin-on-frame, which was a lot of fun to build!!
Bryan Hansel
I’d love to see pictures. Got a link to a set online? If you send some, I’ll write a post about your boat.