We’re writing this disclosure to appease the FTC’s rules for bloggers. Paddlinglight.com tries to “monetize” (i.e. make money) in several different ways, like via advertisement, both paid and third-party, and affiliate marketing. Why? Because we want to make money doing what we love. If you can help us think of other ways to make money via Paddlinglight.com, please, email publisher@paddlinglight.com.
We may earn commissions if you shop through the links below.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing on Paddlinglight.com works like this: When it makes sense to include a product in an article, and we (or a guest author) like the product, we include it. We link to that product at one of the sites that we’re affiliated with (If a link is missing, we probably messed up. Please, let me know so we can fix the situation). Buying from the link benefits all the parties:
- Because we sent you to a site we’re affiliated with, we earn a commission on the sale. Earning money allows us to keep this site running, motivates us to write more, helps us buy a little more paddling gear, and makes us happy and appreciative.
- You have a direct link to a product that we wrote about in the article you just read and by buying from the link you can contribute materially to Paddlinglight.com. It doesn’t cost you anything extra.
- The retailer makes money from the sale that might have gone elsewhere.
Recommended Product Menu
Another way Paddlinglight.com uses affiliate links is via the Recommended menu. From there you can buy equipment that we think is cool. This works the same way. If you buy from the link, you help Paddlinglight.com by allowing us to make a small commission from the sale. It doesn’t cost you anything extra.
Various Links
You may also see various links around the site, like the one to Blue Host, our hosting company. If you’re looking to host a website, consider them, because we use them and like them. If you set up your account by following our link, we earn a referral fee, and it doesn’t cost you anything more than a normal sign-up. You could also buy from Amazon by starting on this link. Sometimes we earn commission there too. Or something like this link Click here to visit Sanborn Canoe Co. We earn a commission from them.
Amazon Services LLC Associates Program
Evaluation Products
Occasionally, a company will send us a free product to evaluate. We may write a review about the product or mention the product. When we do you can count on it being an unbiased opinion. If we like the product, we’ll tell you. If we don’t, we either won’t publish a review or we will tell you in the review.
Help Us
If you want to help us further and have a product you want to buy, email us at publisher@paddlinglight.com to ask for a buying recommendation. We’ll send you our recommendations.
Thank You
Basically, we try to make money from Paddlinglight.com, because we want to make money doing what we love to do. This type of marketing allows that. We’re not going to get rich on what we earn from it, but we can always dream.
Thank you for your support, and, please, buy from the links on this site.
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