best backpacking sleeping pad
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Best Backpacking Sleeping Pad for Paddling

In my S24O: Kayaking Kit List article, I wrote about my future needs, “As I’ve gotten older I don’t mind sacrificing a bit of weight for a more plush sleeping pad. So, I brought a bigger pad than I have in the past. While not a huge deal inside the kayak, it is bigger than I’d like. I’d like to get a smaller sleeping pad that offers big comfort. If you have a suggestion, please, let me know in the comments.” I received a few emails and I messaged some buddies of mine to see what they suggested as the best backpacking sleeping pad for paddling.

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From Max Watzke:


You asked for a suggestion about a sleeping pad. In my opinion, after more than 65 years going with kayaks on tour, I found the “Down Airmattress” from Exped is the most comfortable and in winter the warmest that I used ever.

After two tours on Lake Superior with a thin Thermarest pad I decided to buy a Exped Down Airmattress, it was a big difference. The sleeping on graveled beach was comfortable, no pain in the morning. I used the mattress also in winter on tours with dog-sleds in Northern Sweden, when we had to sleep in a tent. Minus 20°Celsius was no problem with cold from the ground.

I have to explain, I was born 1936, You can imagine, I am not young and I need a little comfort in the night in a tent.

From Explorers Amy and Dave Freeman:

Exped is our favorite brand. They have been very durable and are comfortable. Not sure about a model. We have a couple’s double pad (Amazon Link or REI) we really like and also Exped DownMat XP 9 with Pump that is filled with down.

Your Suggestions for Best Backpacking Sleeping Pad for Paddling

I’m still a bit confused about what air mat to buy. These are a bit different that the self-inflating pads that I’ve used in the past and the product lines from Exped and other brands are vast. I’m considering the Exped SynMat HL in Medium. It seems like a good pad for the money and weighs less than a pound and rolls compactly.

What are your thoughts?


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