Bryan's Spring/Summer 2011 Kayaking Adventure
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Bryan’s Spring/Summer 2011 Kayaking Adventure

My Brother Bryan, the main author of this website has been out on a paddling trip for the last 26 days. I wanted to take some time and offer an update to the site and share with you some of his adventure. He’s been using both Twitter and Facebook to keep people updated to his whereabouts, triumphs and trials.

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Below you’ll find most of his Tweets from the last 26 days along with my best attempt at mapping his path along the way. If you feel like my map is way off (which it probably is) and would like to contribute to it, use the contact form on this site to send a message and I’ll add you as a contributor to the Google map so you can edit it.

If you’d like to continue receiving updates on Bryan’s trip, follow him on Twitter.

View Bryan’s Trip in a larger map

Weather is shaping up for a rough first couple of days on my trip. Thunderstorms, strong winds and a touch of wavage.
13 May via web

How is it that clean camping and paddling gear can stink on day 1 of a kayaking trip?
14 May via Mobile Web

Listening to crashing waves as the wind shakes my tent. I’m trying to stay awake to enjoy the first night.
14 May via Mobile Web

Spending the day on shore instead of paddling into 20 knot headwinds and cold rain.
15 May via Mobile Web

Looks like another small craft advisory for the morning. Crossing fingers that the winds calm enough to make it worth paddling.
15 May via Mobile Web

Zipping into my sleeping bag after watching a bright red sunset through the trees.
15 May via Mobile Web

Another small craft advisory day. It looks pretty nasty out there for a 10-mile paddle into a stiff headwind.
16 May via Mobile Web

In Lexington after a long 10 miles into a brisk headwind (sustained at 18 to 20 knots). I feel worked. More wind in the forecast for morning
17 May via web

Not exactly sure where I’m going to camp tonight, but it’s too brutal cold and windy to paddle to the nearby park.
17 May via web

Looks like one more day of strong headwinds and then it’s down to under 10 knot headwinds.
17 May via web

Weird seeing storms go from east to west. It’s almost always west to east or southwest to northeast at home.
17 May via web

On shore after a 17 mile day into a 10 to 15 knot headwind. So much easier than yesterday’s headwind. And it was sunny!
18 May via Mobile Web

Breaking camp for another rainy day on the water. It’s nice that there is only a light wind.
19 May via txt

Paddled in a bubble of fog all day and somehow managed to find the Native American sacred site I wanted 2 see.
19 May via Mobile Web

Day 7: Another day of paddling in a fog bubble. Stayed .5 to .75 offshore & followed the compass. Somehow it worked!
20 May via txt

It’s so sunny that almost all my paddling gear is dry. Rare on day 7 of a trip.
20 May via txt

Day 8: in town buying supplies before heading out kayaking for the afternoon. Glass calm 12 miles this morning.
21 May via Mobile Web

Ready for a 15.5 mile crossing in the morning if the weather holds. Can’t see the island but the chart says it’s there.
21 May via txt

Finished a 19 mile day which included a 15.5 mile crossing about an hour ago. Hot and tired. Didn’t see the destination until 4 miles away.
22 May via txt

Day 10: Started the day off with a 7 mile crossing with 2 ft waves and then paddled up the shore with a tailwind. Off of the ‘thumb.’
23 May via txt

Day 11: Strong winds forecasted, but my tent is dry! Paddling onward.
24 May via txt

Day 11: camping in someone’s backyard tonight. Saw a coyote den today. Headwinds and light chop. Plus, lots of good ‘schrooms.
24 May via txt

Cold morning with rain and storms coming. Have a 16 mile day ahead. I’ll be wearing ALL my paddling clothing. Brrrrrrrrr.
25 May via txt

Day (can someone remind me?): paddled in cold weather 2 harrisville & a resupply box full of warmer gear! Taking a rest day before final leg
25 May via txt

Sounds like some nasty weather is going to hit the coast during the next few days. Luckily, I taking some time off anyway.
25 May via Mobile Web

Day 13: After the last few days if kayaking in 40 degree weather I didn’t think it would be posible to be to warm. Not true inside a cabin.
26 May via txt

So strange sitting in a warm cabin and not hearing the wind or raindrops on my tent. So glad I took a day off from paddling.
26 May via Mobile Web

This trips lesson so far: the Great Lakes are the Great Lakes. It doesn’t matter which you’re on cause it’ll try 2 eat u anyway.
26 May via Mobile Web

Turned from Gales of May to just less than Gales of May. Stil lots of whitecaps on the not-as-big-as-Superior-but-still-great Lake Huron.
26 May via txt

Taking one more rest day before heading out for the next long section. Hoping my bad cough will clear up some.
27 May via Mobile Web

Day 14: Campgrounds are funny. There are no bugs because it’s so cold, but the car campers are loading their bodies w/ bug spray.
27 May via txt

I’m camping and taking a nap when @canoeist shows up. Good to met another twitter user. Crazy to met one on a trip!
27 May via Mobile Web

Whoops, meet not met. Must be because I’m watching baseball in a pub on a kayaking trip.
27 May via Mobile Web

Day 15: A 10 knot tailwind pushed me to camp way early. I thought about pushing on, but it’s the only ‘wilderness’ campsite so far.
28 May via txt

Camping near (1/4 mile from) a seagull nesting island. They are loud.
28 May via Mobile Web

Hiding in my tent from the blood suckers. They have me surrounded. It’s 40+ of them vs. me. Luckily, I brought in the relief bottle.
28 May via Mobile Web

Just finished a 10-mile kayak crossing of Thunder Bay. During the crossing, I thought often of sp vs. the world: nega-ninja solo round.
29 May via txt

Lots of shipwrecked boat parts on this point. They say this is Lake Huron’s shipwreck alley. About 200 boats wrecked in this area.
29 May via txt

Clouds moving in quickly. Paddling is nice. Passed a shipwreck and schools of fish are following me. Doesn’t seem like the Great Lakes.
29 May via txt

Day 16: long day & near the end of it, I looked down into the crystal blue water & saw a 12- to 14-foot+ wooden rudder from a wreck (1800s)?
29 May via txt

Day 16: this beach seems heavenly compared to the beach last night. I can eat on the beach without giving up all my blood!
29 May via txt

Day 17(?): Went from the best campsite of the trip to the worst. Camping on a cobblestone beach that looks like an ATV highway.
30 May via txt

Sitting in the sun in my black rash guard and drysuit feels so so good. Warmth is good.
30 May via Mobile Web

Got a tour of an old lighthouse today. It’s so cool to be on a kayaking expedition and get a tour of something that helps you navigate.
30 May via Mobile Web

Day 17: A 3/4-inch Thermarest doesn’t really cut it on a bed of stones. Someone send me zen-monk powers. :)
30 May via txt

Day 18: it’s hot! Crazy hot. That means thunderstorms this afternoon. Must go paddle.
31 May via txt

Day 18: Epic (seriously) day with headwinds, sidewinds, tailwinds and high 80 temps & now a very crazy-looking thunderstorm.
31 May via txt

Lightning and thunder all around with only a tent as protection.
31 May via txt

Day 18: I think I had summit fever today. I’m getting so close to the trip’s goal that I pushed too hard.
31 May via txt

It’s the Gales of June out there today. Debating paddling in it. I’m leaning towards sitting this one out & hoping it calms by afternoon.
1 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 19: Gales blowing, so I’m staying on shore. Staying on shore is pretty boring.
1 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 19: It’s stll blowing and still looks like whitecaps out there. I’m pressing on in the morning even if it’s still blowing.
1 Jun via Mobile Web

Some left over swell and light winds. Packing up camp.
2 Jun via txt

Day 20: Lunch on Boblo Island. I’m off of the LP of MI. Going island hoping this afternoon. Mackinac Island stinky kayaker is on the way.
2 Jun via txt

Day 20: Camped in an actual wilderness area, but I hear an band playing on Mackinac Island, plus I’m getting wi-fi. Urban kayak expeditions!
2 Jun via txt

Crossings so far on expeditions: 15.5 (19 in the seat), 7.6, 10, & 6 miles. A couple of 1 & 2 mile crossings coming up.
2 Jun via Mobile Web

I wish someone would google map the milage on this trip for me. It has to be getting up there.
2 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 21: it’s hard to believe that I’ve been paddling for 21 days now. Nice calm morning. It looks like rain.
3 Jun via txt

Day 21: Mackinac Island is one crazy place! Canons blastings, horses instead of cars & Murdick’s fudge. Plus the ferries r out 2 run me over
3 Jun via txt

Day 21: the trip’s primary goal is finished. Paddle from Port Huron to St. Ignas. Now onward to the Soo.
3 Jun via txt

A motorcycle gang just showed up at the campsite next door. Should be an interesting night.
3 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 22: My gear is starting to smell bad even to myself. It’s getting that sweet thru-hiker/paddler smell. Yuk!
4 Jun via txt

Day 22: Another camping spot in town. There isn’t a ‘No Camping’ sign, so it must be okay, right?
4 Jun via txt

Day 23: stayed at a friend’s house in Hessel last night instead of at the muni park. Calm,warm & sunny.
5 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 23: this wil be my last day on Lake Huron. Into the St. Mary river system & 2 the Soo & then Superior.
5 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 23: felt like a summer dat today. Camping near De Tour Village for my last night on Lake Huron. Going to miss you Huron.
5 Jun via txt

Day 23: showed up at camp and ran into some other folks who had smoked steelhead. Can’t beat that for god timing.
5 Jun via txt

Looking over the charts for the St. Mary River system. Gonna be interesting. Me in a kayak vs. 1000-ft ships.
5 Jun via Mobile Web

Day 24: Huron is like glass today. The sun is bright already. Heading for a pit stop in De Tour & then to the river.
6 Jun via txt

Day 24: even with a tailwind today seems to crawl along. Big ship passing my lunch spot. Must b lazy river life.
6 Jun via txt

Day 25: eating lunch on an island I named ‘love,’ because there aren’t 1,000 hungry blood sucking bugs acting as an alarm clock.
9 hours ago via txt

Day 24(Really 25 Eric Edit): long day. Camping in someone’s backyard. Lots happened. Breakfast in DeTour salty cap’n on Lime Island. Frieghters passing me.
9 hours ago via txt

Day 25: On Whitefish Bay after a long day. The Canadian Soo locks shut down cause a city wide power outage. Got hit by thunderstorm & more.
1 hour ago via txt

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