Canoe and Kayak Navigation Articles
Over the past few years, I’ve written articles about both canoe navigation and kayak navigation. I based the articles on the navigation classes I teach with the premise that navigation shouldn’t be confusing, and it isn’t confusing once you understand the basics. To help people learn during my classes, I concentrate on the results instead of the terminology. I think it’s more important that a paddler can take a bearing with a compass, follow that bearing or plot a course than know what the difference between the terms bearing, heading and course. These articles reflect that approach.
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Canoe and Kayak Navigation Basics
- Parts of a Compass: A basic explanation of the parts of a compass.
- Navigation: How to Use a Compass: The basics of how to use a compass. It includes definitions of the parts of a compass.
- How to Read a Marine Chart Part 1: Learn the difference between a chart, a map and topo maps. Learn the basics of how to read a chart.
- How to Read a Marine Chart Part 2: Learn the nitty-gritty details of reading a chart. Learn about what all those little numbers are all over a chart, learn about markers, buoys and lights. Learn about tidal features, shoreline and seabed features.
- Course, Bearings and Headings: Learn about the difference between each of these terms and how they work in the real world.
Natural Forces that Can Affect Navigation
- Understanding Magnetic Deviation: Magnetic deviation can make all your readings incorrect. Learn how to detect it and to correct for it.
- Navigation: Variation and Declination: These magnetic forces are present throughout the world and can change your compass reading. Learn how to account for variation or declination in the area you’re taking a trip in so that you can match your readings to the map or chart.
Navigations Techniques
- Dead Reckoning: Learn how to navigate in the fog, along a nondescript shoreline and at night using dead reckoning, which is a fundamental skill for all kayak and canoe navigation.
- Aiming Off: A navigation technique that makes sure you don’t miss your target.
- Fixes and Triangulation: Fixes and triangulation helps you figure out where your at. A great skill to use when you don’t know or if you just want to verify your position.
- Ranges: Learn how to use shoreline features or markers to help you find a Line of Position and eventually your position.
Free Chart and Map Tool
- How to Print Free Canadian Topographic Maps Quickly and Inexpensively: Learn how to print Canadian topo maps for free on your home printer.
- Print Your Own NOAA Charts: Learn how to find and print NOAA charts for free. This can save your 1000s of dollars.
- NOAA Marine Chart Converter: Learn how to use a free and open source tool to convert NOAA charts into usable image files that you can print at home.
- Free Topo Maps for Your Garmin GPS: Learn how to get and install free topo maps on your Garmin GPS. Great coverage in North America and worldwide.
- Modern Technology and Courage in the Wilderness: While not specifically about navigation, you may want to think about the types of navigation tools your bring on a trip and how those tools impact the style in which you trip.
I plan to add more canoe and kayak navigation articles in the future. In the meantime, do you have any navigation tricks that you use when out paddling? Do you have any navigation questions or ideas for articles?
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