free boundary water maps

Free Boundary Waters Maps You Can Print at Home

File this under really useful and holy cow! Peter Wagner did the canoe world a huge service. He used Caltopo and GPX data compiled by forum members of the to make free Boundary Waters maps. You can download the maps and print at home. He made modifications to that data set to show campsites, portages, fire perimeters and Primitive Management Areas. But, he says not everything has been verified.

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The maps look very nice. I downloaded a few and even though he states that campsite and portage data hasn’t been verified, everything was correct on the maps that I examined.

free boundary water maps

After being really impressed by his project, I pestered him about making a wall-sized version of the entire project. He came out with a 94-inch by 48-inch png wall map. If you know of a good printer that can make a color map/print of that size, please, let me know in the comments. I’ll mention it to Peter and then we can all get cool wall maps of the Boundary Waters and Quetico. I have a basement wall that needs one of these.

So, if you are looking for free Boundary Waters maps, go get them at Peter says that he plans on updating them annually, because it takes significant work to re-render the set.

If you are looking for a waterproof paper to print these free Boundary Waters maps on, take a look at iGage Weatherproof paper.

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