1883 Southwestern kayak 3-D plan view
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Free Kayak Plans: 1883 Southwestern Greenland Kayak

The original survey for the 1883 Southwestern Greenland kayak appears in The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America (Figure 206). Howard I. Chapelle, the surveyor, writes that this kayak represent one of the last southwestern Greenland boats of the old style, a style characterized by a strong sweeping sheer at the bow and stern. This kayak shows what Chapelle believed was close to the maximum amount of rocker used in a southwestern-style kayak. The original survey shows bone plates pegged to the bow and stern to protect the kayak from landing and launch on ice. Chapelle writes that the old form was a fast and handy hunting boat.

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These free drawings include a pdf of the station and stem plans, a 3-D view of the boat with axis baselines and an image of the linesplan. The original kayak used two deck beams, but because they’re not shown on the survey, I decided to round the deck slightly following the profile view of the survey. Where Chapelle’s survey disagrees, I defaulted to the profile and plan views instead of his stations.


Length: 16 feet, 6 inches
Beam: 20 inches
Depth: 6-7/8 inches

Free Kayak Plan Downloads and Package Downloads

The free linesplans are station and stem drawings overlaid on each other. They are drawn at full size. The drawing package includes linesplan and each station and stem drawn separately on a PDF that prints full sized on when printed on the right paper size, usually ARCH D. You can cut these out and glue them to plywood to cut full-sized forms.

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