St Francis Canoe free plans
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Free Plans: 1910 St Francis Canoe

The St. Francis Canoe of About 1910 appears as Figure 81 in the Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America. Howard I. Chapelle notes that the canoe features a narrow, rockered bottom, and he notes that the model was popular with guides and sportsmen for forest travel. The almost vertical to slightly flared sides resemble a more modern canoe than some of the other free plans that I posted. Chapelle writes that some of the St. Francis canoes had midship tumblehome like the Malecite canoes, but that those were not marketed to sportsmen.

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As my Winter Free Canoe and Kayak Plan project draws to an end, I feel like I’m finally gaining ground. With only six weeks left much of Bark and Skin remains unmodeled. The remaining kayaks are more complicated and harder to model than the last few, and lots of canoes remain. I’m torn, because I want someone to build the boats, but I also want to model some of the more — to my eye — bizarre boats, like the Beothuk canoe. If you have a suggestion, get it in.

On the donation front, I recently received a $50 donation and very nice letter via the post office. A few other visitors have pitched in a beer or coffee. I even got two six packs. I have about 75 hours into the project. I hope you find it valuable enough to send me cash. I appreciate it.


Length: 15 feet 2 inches
Width: 36 inches
Depth: 13.5 inches
Capacity: 300 to 600 lbs.


Free St Francis Canoe lines plans

Builder’s Photos

Photos of a unique skin-on-frame canoe build.

See 1910 St. Francis Canoe Builder’s Photos.

Free Canoe Plan Downloads and Package Downloads


  • Free Linseplans: The free linesplans are station and stem drawings overlaid on each other. They are drawn at full size.
  • Drawing Package: The drawing package includes linesplans and each station and stem drawn separately on a PDF that prints full sized on when printed on the right paper size, usually ARCH D. You can cut these out and glue them to plywood to cut full-sized forms.

Recommended Canoe Building Books to Buy Before Building

The free canoe plans provided are the plan drawings of the canoe. If you want to build from the drawings, you will need instructions. The following books provide great instructions for building.

Canoecraft: An Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction The gold standard for cedar canoe builders. Use this book with the provided free plans and you’ll end up with a great canoe.

Building a Strip Canoe by Gil Gilpatrick A great cedar canoe building book that explains excellent shortcuts.

Strip Built Canoe: How to build a beautiful, lightweight, cedar strip canoe Well written and easy to follow. Every builder should own this.

Canoe Paddles: A Complete Guide to Making Your Own Paddle building techniques included with canoe and kayak building books are typically crude. Follow the directions in this book and end up with a beautiful and functional paddle to go along with your canoe or kayak.

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PaddlingLight is written by me (Bryan), a canoeist and kayaker. With AI taking over the writing duties for many websites, I feel like there needs to be a human alternative left on the Internet. If you like what I'm doing, subscribe and help spread the word.

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  • David V.

    I have a question for you, how thick should the bow and stern sations be? And have you calculated that thickness into the number 7 and 14 station halfs that attach to the bow, stern station or should I just remove that thickness from them myself? (ie…. If I use 1/2 station thickness I just subtract 1/4 from each station half). I think you are doing an super job for all of us “amature” canoe builders. I have built two canoes, a 10 foot wee lassie and 16 foot prospector ( finishing up now) and came acrossed This web sight. I like the fact that there are so many plans at a reasonable price. I have my eye on a few and will be more than happy to send the amount you are asking, I just have to figure out which one I like best! Thank you!

  • Bryan Hansel

    Thanks, David, for the kind comments. You can use whatever thickness you’d like for the stations and then subtract that from the stations that attach — I didn’t subtract any thickness in the drawings so builders could determine that on their own. I like to use 3/4-inch plywood, but 1/2-inch will work, too.

    Make sure to send pictures of any canoe you build. I love to see the finished boats.

  • David V.

    I will be sure to keep in touch. I am looking at the 1910 St. Francis right now to maybe start next fall, I like the shape and size. It’s great that you have made these at 1:1 scale, makes it a lot easier to take to an office supply shop and print. I have look at many plans online and none compare to what you have done. I would like to thank you and hope you keep up the good work! I think I may buy the book just to see what you may have plans for in the future! Thanks again!

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