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To Protect Minnesota’s Water and Natural Heritage

One of the issues that America’s most-used Wilderness Area, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA), faces is pollution from sulfide mining, which has a 100% track record of polluting. I’ve written about sulfide mining in the BWCA before. The political and money machines continue to march forward on this plan despite not being able to prove that they won’t pollute nor providing any reassurances that they will clean up the pollution in the future. It’s a raw deal for the BWCA, one of the most beautiful areas in the U.S. Friends of this website site Dave and Amy Freeman and former legislator and Grand Marais resident Frank Moe plan to do something about the issue by gathering petitions and delivering them via dog sled to the Minnesota State Capitol.

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We Need Your Help!

Even if you don’t live in Minnesota, we need you to sign this petition to show world-wide support for protecting America’s most-used, designated Wilderness Area. If you’re a blogger, I can get you in touch with Dave to get the code for pasting the petition and videos into your blog. Just leave a comment if you want to do that and I’ll pass on the info.

Please, sign the petition below.

Save the BWCA from Sulfide Mining

Dave and Amy FreemanBoundary Waters guides, Dave and Amy Freeman, are teaming up with former state legislator and Grand Marais-area dogsled racer Frank Moe for an epic trip from Northern Minnesota to the State Capitol in St. Paul in early March. They are calling for the protection of the region’s natural heritage, including clean water and wilderness. Dave and Amy will be delivering petitions from Ely to Finland, Minnesota by dogsled. Frank will continue with those petitions and many more on to the State Capitol.

You have seen the lakes, rivers and forests of Northern Minnesota and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness firsthand and understand how special this area is. Please join Dave, Amy, Frank and thousands of others by signing the petition that will be delivered to the State Capitol by dogsled.

Please, watch the videos below to learn more about the Sulfide Mining that is proposed near Ely and sign the petition below.

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