Port Huron to Home Expedition: Twitter Posts Day 24 to 45
About the midway through my 45-day Port Huron to Home Expedition, my brother Eric started pulling together all my tweets for a blog post about my trip. Here are the remainder of the tweets. The oldest is the lowest on the page. Also, you may want to read a few articles that were written about the trip: Bryan Hansel Finally Completes his Top Secret Great Lakes Expedition and A Kayaker’s Journey From Port Huron to Minnesota Along Lakes Huron and Superior and Dreaming of a Trip. The Duluth news (KBJR) ran a segment on the 10pm news on Wednesday. I was on WTIP at 8 on Thursday. And I’m going to be on 5:50ish on Friday.
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Expedition Tweets
Expedition day 44: Off of Isle Royale and back in MN. One day left till Grand Marais!
Expedition Day 39: On the Ranger and heading to Isle Royale. The ship is 53 yrs old today on the 1st day of summer.
@NobleIdeas On this trip, I’ve done a 16 mile, a couple of 10 miles, an 8 mile, a few 6 miles, and a bunch of shorter crossings.
Expedition Day 39: Waiting for the ferry to Isle Royale. Sounds like bad weather is ahead. I’ll b out of cell range for 5 to 7 days.
21 Jun
Got my ticket for Isle Royale for the morning. Spending five days on the island and then heading to Minnesota.
20 Jun
Expedition Day 38: I swear that Houghton is cursed. This is the second time I riped a drytop gasket here.
20 Jun
Expedition Day 38: Just linked up with my 2009 trip. Now I’ve kayaked the US border from Res. River, MN to Port Huron!
20 Jun
Kayak Trip Day 38: just finished a 10,5-mile solo crossing into the Portage River. I’m in the Keweenaw now.
20 Jun
Expedition Day 37: Lots 15-foot cliffs & few places to land today. One of the hardest sections. Glad it wasn’t bigger than 1 to 3.
19 Jun
Expedition Day 37: Cold (45F), wet, non-stop rain, soaked my drysuit through, 1 to 3. Most brutal day yet. Drying out under a porch.
19 Jun
Expedition Day 36: recharging the fuel cells with pub food at the Thunder Bay Inn in Big Bay. Nice not to eat camp food.
18 Jun
@jasondailey I counted wrong for today. It was 27 miles! Nice push from an east wind this afternoon.
18 Jun
Expedition Day 36: Made it to Big Bay two days early. I did Grand Marais, MI to Big Bay in 4 days. Looks like my weather window may close.
18 Jun
A little sore after yesterday’s 30+ miles of kayaking. Today only 24 miles.
18 Jun
Expedition Day 35: Camped on Partridge Island after a 30+ mile day from Au Train Island. Today had it all!
17 Jun
Day 35: Camped on Au Train Island last night. It’s about to be sacrificed 2 the gods of vacation homes. Carvings from 1800s in the sandstone.
17 Jun
Experiencing a seiche on Lake Superior right now. Very cool. Lake up a couple of inches in the last few minutes.
17 Jun
Expedition Day 35: watched a deer walk off Laughing Fish Point, take to water and swim towards Canada. Feels like a crazy sign to me.
17 Jun
Kayaking Trip Day 34: Paddled past 150-foot sandstone cliffs in Pictured Rocks this morning. That should be on everyone’s hit list.
16 Jun
Expedition Day 33: long day ahead. Paddling into Picture Rocks. Wow, 33 days. I’m starting to feel it.
15 Jun
I’m cutting my timeframe for the rest of this trip close. I need to make Houghton/Hanncock in about 10 days.
14 Jun
Expedition Day 32: had 2 borrow a bike to bike 4 miles today to get a kayaking backcountry permit for Pictured Rocks. That’s a 1st.
14 Jun
I’m wasting time in town and wasting a good tailwind. Should have pushed on instead of resupplied.
14 Jun
Day 32: in Grand Marais, MI. Resupply day for the next 10 day leg of the trip. Good tailwind day. Sucks not paddling.
14 Jun
Expedition Day 31: almost finished with Lake Superior’s skeleton coast. Relentless headwinds, brutal cold weather have slowed progress.
13 Jun
Heading around Whitefish Point and onto Lake Superior proper this afternoon. Whitefish Bay is bigger than it looks on chart.
10 Jun
Expedition Day 28: With all the sand, I’m surprised any water fits in Whitefish Bay. Hit an uncharted sand bar on a crossing. Had to drag.
10 Jun
Day 27: After rounding Menekanee Point, I spotted a nice beach to get a break from the sea of white & spray. Napped all afternoon.
9 Jun
Expedition Day 27: 2′ to overhead waves, surf launch, confused peaks and valleys to 5 feet at the points. Good fun but slow going.
9 Jun
The cold front just blew in. Went from short sleeves to fleece in about 30 seconds. Feels so much better than the 80s.
8 Jun
Expedition day 26: Strong winds this afternoon & an impressive thunderstorm slowed things to a crawl. Paddled 4 miles in 2 hours cause wind.
8 Jun
Expedition Day 26: Enough of taking a long lunch. Heading back out to kayak another 16 miles (hopefully).
8 Jun
Day 26: the weather feels like it wants to rip apart the sky. Not feeling right for sure. Kayaking further & hoping for no thunderstorms.
8 Jun
Day 25: On Whitefish Bay after a long day. The Canadian Soo locks shut down cause a city wide power outage. Got hit by thunderstorm & more.
7 Jun
Day 25: eating lunch on an island I named ‘love,’ because there aren’t 1,000 hungry blood sucking bugs acting as an alarm clock.
7 Jun
Day 24: even with a tailwind today seems to crawl along. Big ship passing my lunch spot. Must b lazy river life.
Day 24: long day. Camping in someone’s backyard. Lots happened. Breakfast in DeTour salty cap’n on Lime Island. Frieghters passing me.
6 Jun
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