• Dynaflex Gyro Exerciser
    Camping Toys,  Reviews

    Dynaflex Gyro Exerciser Review: a Tool No Paddler Should Be Without

    Years ago when I was a climber, I ended up getting tendinitis in my elbows. It went away quickly with rehab, but showed up again later during a 560-mile kayaking trip. After the trip, the tendinitis went away with minor rehab, but I started noticing it again now and then. Then a couple of years ago on a 350-mile kayaking trip I had a major flare-up as a result of adjusting my paddling style to account for another injury. This time, the tendinitis didn’t go away easily. I took a full year of rehab exercises before I had any temporary relief from the pain. It took one more year of…

  • kayak stand or canoe stand
    Articles,  Build It Yourself

    How to Build a Kayak Stand or Canoe Stand for $20 or Less

    Building a kayak stand or canoe stand needn’t take long nor cost much. I whipped up this canoe/kayak stand in about one hour, which included the run to the lumberyard to buy supplies. It packs down small enough to fit in the trunk of a small car, and it’s sturdy enough to support a boat while you work on it. Its small profile stays out of the way for a display. All you need to complete it are a few tools. Materials Purchase the following materials for your kayak stand or canoe stand: Three 8-foot, 2-by-2 boards Two 4-inch, 1/4-inch lag bolts Eight  washers (four for the bolts, four for…

  • snow peak titanium bowl review
    Reviews,  Stoves and Cooking Gear

    Snow Peak Titanium Bowl Review

    The Snow Peak Titanium Bowl measures 5.5 by 3 inches and holds 20 fl. oz. It weighs a claimed 1.6 oz. It’s made out of titanium which means that it doesn’t rust and you can cook in it. It fits perfectly inside Snow Peak’s Titanium Multi Compact Cookset. By combining the lightweight camping bowl with the cookset, you get a sub-14 oz. cookset with enough gear to cook elaborate meals for two. But, is it too good to be true? This is my Snow Peak Titanium Bowl review. Snow Peak Titanium Bowl Review I purchased the Snow Peak Titanium Bowl earlier in the year and didn’t use it until I took…

  • Great Lakes seiche
    Articles,  Tent Bound

    Great Lakes Seiche – The Joys of Kayaking on the Big Lakes

    The Great Lakes are five vast inland seas. Lake Superior, the largest, is approximately the same size as Iceland. Taken together, almost two Englands could fit inside the total surface area of the lakes. They’re big. Because they’re contained within smaller basins they don’t have tides like you’d see on the oceans, although the Great Lakes tides are measurable. A significant tide-like event that occurs on the Great Lakes is called a seiche, which is a sloshing of water caused by air pressure or wind. A seiche typically occurs quickly and can drop or raise the water significantly; some seiches are reported to have changed the water levels by 12…

  • Overview of shoulder exercises for kayaking
    Articles,  Technique

    Shoulder Exercises for Kayaking and Canoeing

    I don’t have empirical data to prove it, but I would place a bet, that shoulder injuries are one of the top 5 injuries for kayak paddlers. Probably the primary cause of shoulder injuries is the obvious problem with incorrect arm position during a brace. This places the shoulder in a vulnerable position. Using poor technique during rolling becomes the next obvious challenge. And then there is my least favorite, the often over looked danger of lifting the kayak onto the car roof. Clearly good technique can help decrease the probability of injury. So too can the appropriate shoulder exercises for kayaking, by developing the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.…

  • KeelEazy review tape on my keel
    Canoes and Kayaks,  Reviews

    Initial KeelEazy Review: an Easy-to-Apply Kayak Keel Strip

    KeelEazy is an adhesive keel strip designed to replace fiberglass or Kevlar kayak keel strips and canoe skid plates. It comes in multiple widths as long as you need. It’s available in two colors by the foot and additional colors by the roll. The manufacturer claims that it can be applied to fiberglass, polyethylene, thermoformed ABS and metal surfaces. According to the manufacturer it’s 14 times more abrasion resistant than a composite keel strip. It runs $4 to $8 per foot. Kits are available. In September, I received a small sample to do a KeelEazy review. I applied the sample KeelEazy strip to the stern of my Kevlar canoe. Years of…

  • Kayaker paddling without kayak weathercocking on Lake Superior.
    Articles,  Equipment,  Technique

    Kayak Weathercocking vs. Tracking

    Kayak weathercocking is the tendency of a moving kayak to turn into the wind. It’s caused by a difference in pressure between the bow and stern of your kayak, and it can feel frustrating if you don’t know how to correct for it. Luckily, there are tools and techniques that can keep you on course even when the wind blows. Kayak tracking is the extent that a kayak holds its course when underway. A kayak with high or good tracking stays on course even when a turning force such as a sweep stroke acts on it. A kayak with high tracking can weathercock and without right equipment can be a…

  • sea kayak rescues
    Articles,  Tent Bound

    When the Kayaking Community Goes Wrong

    Every now and then I read an article on the Internet that makes me go, “Oh, that’s an interesting approach to sea kayaking.” One such article is by travel writer Bruce Kirkby. It’s called In a kayak, there are some danger signs you can’t ignore. In it he describes how he sets out on a three-week kayaking trip on a committing coastline with a kayak that he’s never used before. On day one he finds out that his kayak leaks so much that he has to end the trip. It takes good judgment and self control to end a “dream” trip, but that’s not the part of the article that…

  • Dave and Amy on the Boundary Waters Border Route
    Articles,  Trip Reports

    Boundary Waters Border Route Trip Report

    The Boundary Waters Border Route starts on the western side of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) at Crane Lake in Voyageurs National Park. It follows the Minnesota/Ontario border for about 200 miles until the Grand Portage, a 8.5-mile portage to Lake Superior. Most paddlers can complete the trip in two to three weeks. This fall I joined the Wilderness Classroom to photograph part of their three-year, 12,000-mile trip across North America by canoe, kayak and dog sled. I met them at Crane Lake on the western side of the BWCA and paddled the Boundary Waters Border Route with them. It took us 17 days and included a three-day visit…

  • Wearing the right gear for the risks of cold water paddling.
    Articles,  Technique

    The Risks of Cold Water Paddling

    Even during the summer when Lake Superior’s surface temperature warms to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, capsizing in it can kill you. The most obvious form of death comes from drowning, but other not so obvious dangers, such as cold shock, cold incapacitation and hypothermia, are just as deadly, and can occur anytime the water drops below 60 degrees. Lake Superior kayakers experience those conditions for the entire paddling season. Most kayakers visiting Lake Superior aren’t aware of the risks of cold water says Lake Superior kayaker Sam Crowley, who holds an American Canoe Association Coastal Kayaking Level 5 Advanced Open Water Instructor Trainer Educator certification, which is the highest level available.…

  • Winter kayaking near ice.
    Articles,  News,  Technique

    Winter Kayaking Tips and Resources

    As the northern hemisphere shifts into winter and the water turns solid, many kayakers will hang up the paddling gear and store their kayaks until spring. It doesn’t need to be that way; winter kayaking can be enjoyable, albeit more dangerous than the other three seasons. PaddlingLight features multiple articles that give you great winter kayaking tips. As a trip down memory lane and to help you find the information you need about kayaking in the winter, the articles with tips are listed below. Winter Kayaking Tips “There is no bad weather, only the wrong gear.” -Minnesota Proverb The original winter kayaking tips article is about dressing for cold water…

  • Kayak on limestone beach near Marble Head
    Articles,  Trip Reports

    Soo to Hessel: The Curse of the Last Day

    As cheesy as it sounds, you don’t have to go far from home to have an adventure. Despite the allure and romance of exploring the long expanses of wilderness in, let’s say, the South Island of New Zealand, Iceland, Patagonia, Kamchatka, or the Himalayas, there are many things worth seeing close to home. I have all of the above listed places (and many more) on my bucket list but at the moment I am unable to wander the world aimlessly by the constraining fact that I am a starving college student and kayak bum. But still the lure of adventure tempted me into a trip. I didn’t have to travel…

  • Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown review
    Books, Videos, and Movies,  Reviews

    Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown Review: the Rescues, Vol. 2

    Simon Willis, a journalist and film maker, and Gordon Brown, a world-class BCU 5 Star sea kayaking coach, have teamed up to make Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown Volume 2, the Rescues. This DVD, like Sea Kayak with Gordon Brown Volume 1, combines a sea kayaking journey to a stunning destination with instructional components. The end result is a DVD that you can watch in a couple of ways. You can watch the instruction intertwined with the journey, the journey alone or the instruction alone. It’s like three films in one. For Volume 2, the paddlers head to the Islands of St. Kilda, which are rocky islands west of Scotland…

  • Getting ready to pack a sea kayak
    Articles,  Equipment,  Kayaks,  Technique

    How to Pack a Sea Kayak Part 2: Packing Your Kayak

    Learning how to pack a sea kayak for camping isn’t a mystical black art reserved for expert expeditionary paddles who spend most of their life at sea. Instead, it just takes planning and knowledge of boat trim and balance. In How to Pack a Sea Kayak Part 1: Selecting and Packing Dry Bags, you learned how to pick the right dry bags and pack them properly. The next step is to actually pack the sea kayak. Sea Kayak Compartments and Storage Spaces A sea kayak with bulkheads and watertight cargo compartments that are accessed through hatches make packing much easier than trying to pack a kayak without bulkheads and hatches.…

  • Ursa cedar strip tandem canoe.
    Articles,  Build It Yourself,  Canoes,  News

    Launching: New Tandem Canoe — the PaddlingLight Ursa Canoe

    Over the last few months, we built a new tandem canoe under a tarp in the backyard. It has been an interesting process plagued with problems, such as humidity and bugs, that we wouldn’t experience in a controlled environment. But, despite all the problems, we managed to get to the point where we could test it out. Yesterday, we launched the PaddlingLight Ursa Canoe — the name Ursa is tentative. The canoe is a prototype that takes its inspiration from the popular Modern Malecite St. John River Canoe plans. I like the Modern Malecite, but I wanted something with more volume and efficiency for tripping. The canoe needed to turn…