Paleo Meals to Go review
Reviews,  Stoves and Cooking Gear

First Look: Paleo Meals To Go

Sick of the salty, typical freeze-dried fare in the cooking aisle of your local big box sporting goods retailer? Or are you sick of cooking when out paddling because you never have luck making a tasty meal without hauling a truck load of cooking gear? Or maybe you’re on a paleo diet and haven’t found a good way to continue that diet while on the trail. It was the later that spurred Ty Soukup and his mother Dawn Anderson to launch Paleo Meals To Go. They developed freeze-dried camping meals that aligned with the paleo diet.

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Paleo Meals To Go are freeze dried, gluten free, milk free, soy free, grain free, nut free and shelf stable. To prepare, you tear open the pouch, take out the oxygen absorber, expand the bottom to make it into a bowl, then pour in 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 cups of hot water and stir. Close up the package and wait for 10 to 12 minutes. Then eat.

For our review, we received Bedrock Beef Chili, Caldera Chicken Curry, Mountain Beef Stew, Butte Cacao Banana, Palisade Pineapple Mango and Cliffside Coconut Berry.

Typically, the one person meals run $12.99, but right now there’s a sale going on and most meals are running $8.99 to $9.99. If interested you can purchase these meals direct from Paleo Meals To Go.

Review coming soon…

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received Paleo Meals To Go for free from Paleo Meals To Go in consideration for a gear review.

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  • Rodney

    $13 for ONE meal??? No thank you. When camping, eating well is one thing I splurge on. But with Mountain House I can eat for half the cost when compared to this.

    • Bryan Hansel

      That’s true, but the difference is that Mountain House doesn’t offer a paleo diet option. I’m just starting to try these and had the Mountain Beef Stew on a paddling trip last weekend. It was by far the best freeze dried meal that I’ve eaten.

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