Paddle Pocket and Tether Tabs by RedLeaf Designs
Having been in the paddlesports industry for over 26 years, I’ve become jaded by new products. There isn’t often something that I see where I say immediately, “I need one of those.” Well, wipe that jade off of my eyes, because I have serious GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) when it comes to RedLeaf Design’s new Paddle Pocket and Tether Tabs. These new products offer a simple way to store your spare paddle in your canoe or to stash a paddle while portaging.
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I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anything exactly like it before — maybe there are products similar to it that I haven’t seen before. The second I saw it I knew I had to have one or two or three.

What is a Paddle Pocket?
A paddle pocket is a pocket for your paddle. Taking a glance at the photo instantly tells you what it is. The only mystery is how does it attach to your canoe. It does so with adhesive Velcro. For canoeists that want to use the pocket with multiple canoes, RedLeaf offers Velcro strips for sale as well.
There’s a second part to this pocket, and it’s the Tether Tab. The tab attaches to a thwart and then allows for a quick attachment of the paddle shaft to the thwart. I’ve seen a lot of these over the years. The most popular are Bungee Dealee Bobs. I’ve even made my own using bungee and cord locks. But, I haven’t seen a tether that is made like the one from RedLeaf before. The Tether Tab can also be used on the canoe’s deck to hold rope in place.

I have a couple of these heading my way, so I’ll update this with the weight after I get them.

Review coming
I plan on reviewing these after I get a chance to use them. I know the owners of RedLeaf Design and know that they do good work. It’s a small company that makes its products in UP of Michigan. I expect that they will up to their normal quality and I’m excited to try these out. It’s good to see someone innovating in the paddlesports world. I’m excited!
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