Right On Trek Mac and Cheese Review
A challenge with canoe and kayak travel can be finding good food to take canoeing or good food for kayaking. That’s where Right On Trek has come to the rescue. I’ve reviewed their service in the past (Read: Adventure Meals by RightOnTrek Review). The short of that review was that I like it. Recently, they revamped their backcountry meals and sent me over a few samples to try. I thought the Right On Trek Mac and Cheese deserved it’s own review. Spoiler: It’s great!
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Here’s how Right on Trek describes their take on the classic Mac and Cheese recipe:
A no-compromise version of a classic comfort food. Our Mac and Cheese recipe is creamy and thick, and brightened with optional parsley, onions, and cracked black pepper.
The description is spot on, and it’s so good.

Unlike other company’s boil in the bag meals, Right On Trek takes a different approach. They don’t use plastics. Their packaging in 100% bio-based with 60% compostable material. It ends up a little lighter, but is still waterproof and lasts just fine in a bear bag or dry bag in your kayak. The downside is you have to cook the meal in the pan. Luckily, all the water gets absorbed, so you don’t have to drain, strain and dispose of any grey water.
Here’s what you do to make the meal:
- Boil about 8oz of water
- Add the noodles and boil for 3-5 minutes
- Turn off heat
- Add the cheese mix and stir
- Stir in the optional spice packet for a little extra kick
One of the nice things about this camping mac and cheese is the high calorie count. A two-person serving has 1080 calories. Other companies’ two-person meals often only reach 750-850 calorie range. The two-person meal weighs about 9 ounces.
Right on Trek Mac and Cheese is Highly Recommended
I know I already gave away my opinion on the Right On Trek Mac and Cheese; it’s great! It’s creamy and thick. In our two-person bag, there was more than enough mac and cheese to be filling. Without the spice pack, the cheese was tasty and better than Kraft. With the spice pack, the entire meal kicked up a notch. This is definitely a meal that I’d take on a trip again. I’m not the only person who enjoyed Right On Trek’s Mac and Cheese. Backpacker Magazine gave it a 5/5. They described it as “This mac is like a from-scratch Kraft with the volume turned up to 11.”
You can get it direct at Right on Trek’s website.
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